Where to go for a trip with a dog– Canis Lab

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Where to go on a trip with a dog: České středohoří - Hlinná (12 km)

Thanks for the post Pavel! The whole trip takes about 12 km. The route leads mainly through forest paths and takes us to places with the most be...
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Where to go for a trip with your dog: Hostýnské vrchy - Kelčský Javorník lookout point (10 km)

Route The route was 10.1 km long, but we chose the shortest possible route to the lookout tower because it was terribly hot. Longer routes can a...
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Where to go to the mountains with a dog: Krušné hory - Boží dar (12 km)

Where to go to the mountains with the dog? Try the route in the Ore Mountains : About 12 km, climbed 1117 m, surface – wooden footbridges (path ...
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Where to go for a trip with your dog: Hořice (Podkrkonoší) 10 km

Thanks for the post Pavel! The route is 10 km (that's what we went, but it can also be shorter if anyone wants to). The route leads along an unpav...
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Where to go on a trip with a dog: Bíle Karpaty - Nová Lhota (18 km)

Thanks for the post Verča! Route: The trip is approximately 18 km (you can also start from other places and thus you can shorten or extend...
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Where to go on a trip with a dog: Krkonoše - Krakonošova trail (16 km)

Thank you Evelina for your contribution! Krkonoše mountains without clouds of people in season? We thought that this was impossible in the center...
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Where to go on a trip with your dog: Ore Mountains (20 km)

Thanks Eva for the post! Route: About 20 km (I turned on the activity on my phone only after the campsite), climbed 826 m. Surface – forest roads...
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Where to go on a trip with a dog: Vysoké Tatry - Starý Smokovec to Téry's cottage (17 km)

Thank you Kristýna for the post! Route: About 17 km, 815 m climbed, mainly on stony paths, be sure to have dog shoes in your backpack just to be ...
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