Dog nutrition before sports | Professional nutrition for dogs | Canis Lab

Before Sports

How to prepare a dog for performance? When planning training sessions, races, hikes or any other activity with your dog, keep three things in mind: timing, nutrition and hydration.
The day before the performance , Protein Mush will supply high-quality proteins, and fats, which are the basic source of energy, will be supplied by oils for dogs.
Before exercise, the dog needs energy and hydration, this will be ensured by Speed&Power , which at the same time does not burden digestion. For extra performance, use the Stamina Booster , which will protect the dog's body.
You can also supply energy in the form of treats - Turboballs .
If you only want to hydrate the dog sufficiently, use Hydrant , which will help the dog's body work properly with water and supply the necessary electrolytes.
You can learn more in the article How to prepare a dog for a performance What to give a dog before sports

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