Nutrition plans
Get inspired by experienced competitors on how to correctly choose nutrition during individual activities with your dog.
We put together nutritional plans with our racing team, in which you will find world vice champions, Czech champions and other experienced competitors. These nutritional plans aim to prepare the dog for performance and ensure that the activities are healthy and safe for the dog.
These are general recommendations! You know your dog best, so always tailor the nutrition to your four-legged friend.
We will help you fully unlock your dog's maximum potential and make your sports performance healthier and safer. Simply Fast&Healthy.
Agilight je speciálně vyvinutý přípravek pro agility psy. Dodá energii a pozornost a podpoří zdraví psa. Využiješ ho před i během tréninku/závodu, abys doplnil psovi energii, podpořil pozornost a doplnil tekutiny.
Recovery dodá po tréninku potřebné rychlé bílkoviny, aby správně fungovala regenerace, aniž by se zatížilo zažívání psa.
Lighter training
Before the start of training , Speed&Power will help hydrate the dog, provide it with energy and all the necessary substances for performance.
Recovery it will supply the necessary fast proteins after training so that regeneration works properly without burdening the dog's digestion.
Long training
Speed&Power hydrates, protects muscles and supplies energy and all necessary substances for performance. You can give Speeda to the dog even in the event of a break during training.
Recovery after the run, it supplies the necessary proteins that the dog needs to start regeneration.
The Recharger will then serve as the first meal after exercise, supplying substances that the dog lost during the activity.
Recovery or Protein mush for dinner will support regeneration and ensure that the dog will have enough nutrients.
More demanding training
Stamina Booster will improve the use of fats as an energy source and improve endurance. Speed&Power hydrates, protects muscles and supplies energy and all necessary substances for performance.
Recovery into water after running out and Recharger will deliver necessary proteins and substances that the dog lost during the activity.
Recovery or Protein mush for dinner will support regeneration and ensure that the dog will have enough nutrients.
It is important to start preparing for the races the day before, when Protein mush will supply proteins and other nutrients needed for performance.
Stamina Booster will improve the use of fats as an energy source and support endurance. Speed&Power hydrates, protects muscles and supplies energy and all necessary substances for performance.
The most important part of the whole race is regeneration. This will be provided by Recovery after running into the water and Recharger, as the first meal after the exercise, will supply substances that the dog lost during the race and start regeneration.
For enough nutrients and protein, just include Recovery or Protein mush for dinner.
Chrtí závody / Coursing
Chrtí závody představují pro psa mimořádnou zátěž, proto je potřeba brát jeho zdraví seriózně a připravit jej na výkon.
Speed&Power ochrání svaly, dodá elektrolyty a ochrání srdce a nervovou soustavu.
Recovery po výkonu dodá nezbytný kvalitní protein a nastartuje správnou regeneraci.
Výlet se psem
Při delších výletech se psem je důležité dbát na to, aby měl pes dostatek vody a energie.
Hydrant před výletem se postará o správnou hydrataci. Můžeš ho podávat i během výletu, kdy dodá elektrolyty.
Energii během výletu dodáš snadno díky pamlskům Turbogule nebo Regule.
Po návratu domů je dobré dodat kvalitní protein. Stačí přidat Recovery do večeře psa.
If you are not sure how to feed a sports dog, write to us in the chat, we will be happy to advise you.
It is important to monitor your dog and tailor his diet. Sport must be mainly healthy for the dog. Simply Fast&Healthy,