Czechs and Slovaks at the top of the world in dog sports

Czechs and Slovaks at the top of the world in dog sports
At the end of November, the best human and dog racers from all over the world gathered in the Spanish town of Olvéga. Olvéga hosted the IFSS Mushing World Championships , i.e. dog sled races. Of course Canis Lab had their team there to show the world who is the best!
In the highest competition, it was once again shown that the Czechs and Slovaks are the world's best. And this applies to both human and canine racers.
How did the World Cup go?
In the run with the dog, the competition was really intense and the legends of the world canicross started on the starting field. However, it didn't matter to them, because Lucie and Barbora also took the line and blew the first two places.
Lucie Pelikánová (SK): 1st place
Barbora Zoubková (CZ): 2nd place
Longtime Canis Lab champions Pája and Andrej were not lost in the tough competition of professional riders. Both fighters take home medals. Andrej even the most valuable here.
Andrej Drábík (SK): 1st place
Pavel Pischek (CZ): 3rd place
Even on a scooter, we can compete at the world level. The box narrowly escaped Andrej and Simč. Thanks to it, you could watch action shots and reports from the entire championship on our Instagram.
Simona Pischeková (CZ): 5th place
Andrej Drábík (SK): 4th place
Dog sledding
Anyone who thinks that this royal discipline will be dominated by Nordic countries like Norway or Canada has probably never heard of Slovakia. Our competitors also mastered this prestigious discipline, adding another valuable metal for Slovakia.
Team of 4 dogs: Andrej Drábík (SK): 1st place
Team of 6 dogs: Jaroslav Banoci (SK): 1st place

Congratulations to all competitors for a perfect representation. And even more so to their faithful dogs, who swept through the world rankings and occupied the first places. It can be seen that they did not lack Speed or Power.
Canis Lab takes care of the comprehensive nutrition of dog champions. Our task is to ensure that the dogs have a sufficient supply of the necessary nutrients to perform at their maximum, but at the same time the sport is healthy and safe for them. Simply Fast&Healthy.
If you are interested in what it looks like at the World Cup, follow our Instagram, where you can find videos and reports from the entire event.
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Are you interested in how our champions approach dog training and nutrition? Read what tips and tricks they have in store for you in our blog.