Agility | How to nutrition during exercise– Canis Lab

Agility | How to nutrition during exercise

Agility | How to nutrition during exercise

Agility nutrition plan

In the world of agility, speed is combined with dexterity and every jump, tunnel or slalom tests the limits of the dog's physical abilities.
However, performance in agility is specific compared to other dog sports. First you wait until it's your turn, then you and your dog give maximum performance in a moment, and then you wait again. How to keep a dog alert, in top condition and ensure that it does not run out of energy?

Before performance

Give the dog Speed&Power one hour before the performance. This pre-run drink will give him energy, electrolytes and all the necessary nutrients for maximum speed and health. It will improve the use of water in the body and help protect the organism from overheating.

Dosage : Mix the recommended dose in water. For example, with this fancy shaker . Give 1/3 of the mixture to the dog before exercise. You divide the rest proportionally between the breaks.

During performance

Divide the rest of the Speed&Power dose proportionally according to the number of breaks you have. If you run 4 times and therefore have 3 breaks, divide the rest of the dose into thirds.

After performance

Once you're done running, it's time to start regenerating. The dog needs to get protein in order for the muscles to recover properly. Recovery will be used for this. It supplies high-quality, easily digestible protein and other nutrients that the dog needs for successful regeneration after exercise.

Tip : For a safe and healthy sport, don't forget to give your dog joint nutrition regularly. We developed Movement with world champions in dog sports.


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