What fruits and vegetables can a dog eat?– Canis Lab

What fruits and vegetables can a dog eat?

What fruits and vegetables can a dog eat?

What fruits and vegetables can a dog eat?

What to put in the bowl besides raw meat and our Canis Lab food supplements for dogs? After all, a portion of vegetables and fruits, which are an important source of fiber! In the article, we will advise you on which fruits and vegetables are suitable for dogs.

Best vegetables for dogs or suitable vegetables for dogs

Before you get into our list of the best vegetables for dogs, we need to tell you something about how to properly prepare vegetables for dogs . If you are preparing vegetables for a regular BARF dose, do not forget to always grate or blend them into the smallest possible pieces . Thanks to the mechanical disruption of the structure, the vegetables will be more digestible for the dog. Grated vegetables are also easier to accept even the biggest canine picker, because you simply hide them in the minced meat.

Vegetables are also great for being non-fatty. If your dog easily gains weight from everything, you can easily give him small pieces of carrot instead of dog treats .

And now there is nothing stopping us from introducing you to the best vegetables that you can regularly feed your dog without any worries:

Leafy vegetables suitable for dogs

Don't be afraid to use leafy vegetables for different types of salad:

  • Spinach (in smaller quantities)
  • lettuce
  • lettuce
  • various types of cabbage, but also alfalfa

CanisLab tip: What about suitable herbs for dogs ? You don't have to immediately set out to collect herbs like Grandma Spicer. In our herbal mix for dogs Herbix you will find a mixture of herbs that are suitable for dogs. By adding Herbix to the ration, you will support better digestion . Say goodbye to dog farts once and for all!

Herbix herbs for dogs for better digestion

Root vegetables suitable for dogs

From root vegetables, reach for:

  • Carrot (don't be afraid to use a carrot)
  • Parsley (don't be afraid to use a sprig as well)
  • Beetroot (Don't be alarmed if your canine pee pink urine after beetroot, it's completely normal.)
  • Parsnip

Other suitable vegetables for dogs

Don't be afraid to reach for seasonal vegetables throughout the year . In the summer, add grated zucchini or a refreshing cucumber to the dog's bowl. Many dogs do not despise broccoli or cauliflower . In autumn, try all edible types of pumpkin again . What about sweet potatoes ? You can also include feeding bowls in BARF, but don't forget to always cook them first .

CanisLab: Are you interested in the world of BARF? Take a look at the article How to Barf, in which we will show you how to go from pellets to Barf. We have also put together several BARF recipes that will make it easier for you to prepare the first feeding doses.

Dried vegetables for dogs? Try our Vegan!

Lots of people search the internet for dried vegetables for dogs. And no wonder, only a few really enjoy preparing mixed vegetables every day . That's why we made our super mix of dried vegetables for dogs Vegáč . Contains dried beets, spinach, carrots, parsnips, pressed hemp seeds. We also added fine oatmeal, carob bread, cold-pressed hemp seed oil and hemp seeds.

Pour hot water over the veggie, let it stand for a while and you can serve! We take it with us on vacation or to races, because you don't want to change our dogs' diet even when traveling . And as a side dish, we choose Protein Mush for dogs .

CanisLab TIP: Are you interested in the nutrition of a canine athlete? Take a look at the article Nutrition of a dog athlete, or a dog under load needs more than a couch potato .

Vegan - dried vegetables for dogs

Fruits suitable for dogs

Almost every dog ​​likes fruit, because they like it because of its sweet taste . However, we sometimes give the dogs fruit as a way to diversify their diet. You won't hurt anything if you share a piece of apple or watermelon with your dog (always cut out the core and take out all the seeds).

In summer, many dogs discover the magic of raspberries or strawberries in the garden , which they even pick themselves. Just be careful that the dog does not eat too many of them. In the forest, he calmly parted with a few blueberries .

Fruit for dogs

Fruits and vegetables that you should definitely not give to your dog

You already know what types of vegetables and fruits are suitable for dogs. We will also look at vegetables and fruits that you should not give your dog. These include raw potatoes, but also legumes . From fruit, never give your dog grapes (even raisins ) and whole stone fruits (feel free to give a piece of peach to the dog, but don't forget to always remove the stone, which could cause a lot of mischief in the stomach).


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