How much food does the dog need | How to calculate a dog's energy expe– Canis Lab

How much food does the dog need | How to calculate a dog's energy expenditure

How much food does the dog need | How to calculate a dog's energy expenditure

How much food does a dog need?

Were you wondering how many calories a dog burns in a day? If so, that's good, because it's important to set the feed ration.
Only a dog with proper nutrition is healthy and happy.
How to do it?

1. Basic required energy

It is also called basal or officially RER (Resting Energy Requirement). It indicates how many calories the dog burns without even blinking. This energy will cover the function of internal organs, metabolism and basic functions for survival .
There are two models by which RER is calculated. We recommend trying both and averaging the results. However, it is necessary to think that every dog ​​is different and take the results more as an indicator.
  1. 70 x (weight ^ 3/4) - note ^ means power
  2. 30 x weight + 70
Example :
Greyhound Kipp weighs 34 kg. If I want to calculate his basal output, I enter the following data into the calculator:
His RER is therefore based on 985 kcal.
If we used the second method of calculation, we would arrive at 1090 kcal.
We average the result to 1000 kcal.
That's how much energy Kipp needs to survive without doing anything else (like winking).

2. We add energy for the activity

Let's add blinks and other activities. We will use simple coefficients for these - we will multiply the RER by them.

Normal dog activity = RER x 2

If the dog is just running around in the garden or in the apartment and we go for a walk with it, then we simply multiply the RER by two and get the number of resulting calories.
Example :
So for Kipp it would be: RER x 2
= 1000 x 2 = 2000 kcal / day
I have to add this value to the dog in the feed so that the intake and output are zero. If we want the dog to gain weight, we add calories. We'll cut back on weight loss.

Dog in training = RER x 3

Strenuous activity = RER x 6

This includes, for example, mid and long runs, dog sledding, rescue, hunting, canicross, bikejoring, scooterjering, etc.
Speed ​​and Power for dogs

3. Calculation by activity

For a more accurate calculation, we can calculate the necessary calories based on the kilometers traveled.
- Normal running of the dog: 1.1 kcal / kg / km
- Dog in a sled (30 km and more) : 8.8 kcal / km / kg
- Canicross / bikejoring / scooterjoring : 3-6 kcal / km / kg (depending on the rider's weight and speed)
- Sprint : + 10% to the total
Example 1 :
Kipp weighs 34 kg, during the day he does normal movement, a walk and then 2x sprints.
= RER + normal movement coefficient + 2 x 10% of the total
= 1000 x 2 + (2 x 200)
= 2400 kcal
Example 2:
Kaira weighs 26 kg, during the day we do lighter training, then she pulls a sled for 6 km.
= RER x training coefficient + (5 x 6 x 26)
= 850 x 3 + 780
= 3,300 kcal

Does speed or thrust matter more?

What do you think will cost the dog more energy. When he's sprinting or when he's trotting?
For greyhound races, the energy increase is only 10% every 250m.
According to a study done on the most famous dog sled race, the Iditarod, the caloric expenditure of one dog was 15,000 kcal/day. That's the calorie equivalent of 25 pizzas!
A larger output therefore has thrust as well as speed. This is a good thing to think about especially with mushing sports such as canicross.
Now that you know how much food your dog needs, continue to the article How to make a feeding portion .
Nutrition for sports dogs


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